
When The Person You Want To Lead Doesn’t Want To Follow

Rejection is never easy to accept or deal with. It makes it that much harder when you know you’ve put everything you’ve got into making it work, but it just doesn’t have the outcome you hoped for. All leaders who’ve been around have in some way faced this. At some point in their career, they’ve encountered a member who chooses to defy their leadership and refuses to work together, no matter how much effort and concession the leader makes to try and make it work. If you’re just starting off in your leadership career and have yet to encounter this, don’t worry, it’s coming.

Leaders, Vietnam

Vietnamese Team and “Tiền Quỹ” / “Money Pot”

Vietnamese work environment is very vibrant and there are great positive energy within each team. Happy hour several times a week is a very common social event. Larger events such as birthdays and team building trips are also common and could possibly occur monthly. The events can get quite costly and paying for it could be challenging. Luckily, the Vietnamese team culture has a commonly used “money pot” or “tiền quỹ” in place to finance these events.

Basics, Leaders

Leadership Back to Basics – Importance of Listening

When we have ideas that we think would really help our team, our project and our organization, we want to share our thoughts and have it taken into serious consideration. If we are deprived of the opportunity to contribute our ideas, we get frustrated, feel unappreciated and cannot put our full potential to practice. That’s the same exact feelings our teams will have if they are not being given the opportunity to share their ideas and contribute.