Fear can be dangerous. It can inhibit us from doing things we should be doing. Fear can paralyze us in the worst time. If we can understand fear, we can use it to drive our success.
Author: Denny Khoa Quoc Nguyen
Emotional Investments
When we discuss investments, we typically refer to financial investments. When we invest as leaders, we invest more than financials. We also invest our time and effort. On top of that, we make emotional investments in our teams and our projects.
Help Your Team Maintain Focus
Nowadays it is very easy to be distracted. Individuals are always multitasking and struggle to stay focus. In a working environment, the same distractions applies. Your team are constantly bombarded with new information and distractions. It is your job as their leader to help your team maintain focus.
Consider Your Team’s Working Environment
Leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve productivity and efficiency for their teams. Consider your team’s working environment and how that effects their ability to be productive. Having a well thought out working environment versus a cluttered and poorly designed space makes a world of difference.
Leaders Should Shut Up
I’ve been in meetings where a leader would get up, start the meeting, give a presentation and conclude the meeting. In between were no exchange of ideas or communication. I wish I can just tell these leaders to shut up and spend more time listening. They will gain so much more from listening than they will from speaking.