During the daily grind, you may often find yourself tired, stressed or just feeling down. When this happens, it has further reaching effects beyond you. You may not notice and it’s understandable. But others do notice and it effects them. So when you’re feeling down, change your mood and change the moods of others.
Author: Denny Khoa Quoc Nguyen
Must Know About Your Team Members
One of the top priority a good leader is concerned with is what you must know about your team members. Leadership isn’t only about getting the best out of your team members. It’s about how you can help each team member to be at their best. In order to do so, you there are certain things you must know about your team members.
Hire The Best Fit Not The Best Talent
Leaders want the best hire to help them and their team succeed. There are different thoughts, tactics and strategies when it comes to selecting candidates. But the question that is likely to be mostly debated over is whether to hire the best fit or the best talent for the position.
Training Someone To Take Over Your Job?
The concept of training someone to take over your job sounds Ludacris. When you train someone to take over your job, it’s basically saying that you’re paving the road to get yourself fired. Why would anyone of us do that?
Indicators You Have A Good Team
All leaders want to have a good and effective team. Productivity and outcome are great measurement of team efficiency. However, they may not indicate if you have a good team or not. To truly say that you have a good team, you must consider several other aspects beyond productivity.