Looking at great leaders, we can observe that they’re well respected and very much admired. We can see that they’re commanding, powerful and influential with their businesses and with those of whom they engage with. Leaders gets top salaries and highly impressive compensation packages. They have the best office with the best views. For a meetings or an appointments, they don’t wait for others, but rather others wait on them. There is an amount of automatically given grace leaders enjoys overall. But that’s not why leaders lead, and it should not be the reasons why we seek to lead.

Being a leader sure has its perks, which is something I’ve written about in one of my other blogs The Prize and Price For Being a Leader. While it may sound very nice, which it actually is, it should not be the motivating force to becoming a leader. Perks and privileges are nice, don’t get me wrong. However, they do get old and the glamour of it all will slip away as the challenges of being a leader constantly appears before us. It will require something much more meaningful to keep us motivated to keep on going and keep on leading. It must be something which comes deeper within us that can help drive us forward in difficult times. While we all may have different reasons, driving forces and motivation to why we would want to be a leader, there are some thoughts that may help guide us to find that calling.
- You have a goal and you’re focused on achieving the goal with your team. Your goals should be re-evaluated on a regular basis to make sure you and your team are on track and adjust or add on to your goals to keep moving forward
- You want more responsibilities and more challenges in your career. You need the increased challenge to lead more people and achieve success.
- You care about people and you want to be a good influence in their lives and career. You want to help them become better and reach their personal goals.
If you can recognize the pattern, all the reasons to become a leader has to do with people. As all the power, prestige and perks will dissipate, if your primary motivation is about helping people, then this is the lasting source of strength and motivation for you to continue on your leadership path. Your people, your team, your followers will continue to provide you with the challenge as their needs will change and adapt through time. But there will always be a need for your leadership, and will always be a need for you.
Photo by: Razvan Chisu